
How Ankle Mobility Influences Your Movement Patterns and Your Golf Swing

You don't have to work long in the movement professions to understand how vital the ankle is.

Gray Cook

A headline like “Improve Your Ankle Mobility for a Better Golf Swing” might’ve been laughed off the internet ten years ago, but as more and more golfers are becoming aware of how the body interacts with the swing, the importance of ankle mobility is being brought to the forefront.

When you consider the physical demands of the swing - especially as it relates to sequencing and using the ground to generate power - overlooking ankle mobility in golf makes about as much sense as a pilot trying to fly a 747 with Cessna wings.

TPI Certified strength coach Nick Buchan said it well in a post on his blog:

The ankle, along with the wrist, maybe the most ignored joint in terms of athletic performance. However the foot is our only contact point with the ground, in a sport such as golf where a powerful swing is the result of creating large amounts of ground reaction force its importance should be obvious. Structurally speaking the foot is also our base and affects everything else further up the kinetic chain.

Nick Buchan

One of the strongest correlations that we’ve found in the body-swing connection is the relationship between the Overhead Deep Squat and Loss of Posture - specifically Early Extension. The Overhead Deep Squat is one of the most informative screens that we perform. It evaluates mobility in the thoracic spine, hip, knee and ankle. While numerous physical limitations can cause Loss of Posture, poor ankle mobility is most closely associated with early extension.

In the video below, Dr. Rose explains how the Deep Squat test can identify physical limitations and, more importantly, movement patterns that might responsible for undesirable swing characteristics.


Understanding how your physical limitations influence movement is a critical piece in understanding why certain characteristics might be present in your swing. As always, movement patterns and swing characteristics can result from technical or physical issues.


So what should you do if you present ankle dysfunction? Address mobility first.


TPI Certified strength coach Damon Goddard of AMPD Golf Fitness recently did a segment on Golf Channel’s Morning Drive. What did the trainer of Open Champ Jordan Spieth discuss in his 7 minute segment? The ankle, exclusively.


The ability to have really solid footwork is critical to using the ground for power.

Damon Goddard

The ankle exercises that Damon prescribes for Jordan is particularly interesting because Jordan’s swing demands exceptional ankle mobility (as detailed by BodiTrak here). In addition to being a key component in the golf swing, ankle mobility is also critical for training.

You have to earn the right to do bigger movements. If you have limited ankle range of motion, I can’t put you through squat patterns or load heavy weight.

Damon Goddard

Using technology like BodiTrak can provide valuable biofeedback in coaching and assessing an athlete’s squat.

The mobility of your ankle should be a consideration in your choice of footwear.

Ankle injuries are extremely common, accounting for nearly half of all sports injuries (according to the American College of Sports Medicine). While often not severe, rushing recovery from an ankle sprain can inhibit mobility and invite dysfunction.


RELATED ARTICLE: How Ryan Moore Rehabbed His Ankle With A TPI Certified Team

Bottom Line: If you want to have an efficient golf swing, you need to consider how you're moving from the ground up. Many avid golfers, especially ones with desk jobs, can benefit from assessing their ankle mobility and function.

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